Today, Principal Secretary State Department for Co-operatives, Hon. Patrick Kilemi? hosted fellow colleagues, PS’s Hon. Jonathan Mueke Livestock Development, Kello Harsama Crops development, Dr. Idris Dokota ASALs & RD, Ms. Salome Beacco correctional services, Dr. Juma Mukhwana and Industry Jonathan Mueke during a tour of Githunguri Dairy Farmers Cooperatives Society. The Committee appreciated the role played by the dairy value chain in our economy and discussed various measures to increase milk production as envisaged in BETA.
The government is committed to providing an enabling environment for the dairy sector to thrive.Earlier, the PS with his other colleagues toured ENSDA Tannery & Leather factory in Narok, a leather value chain.
In attendance; Mr. Peter Njuguna, CEO SASRA, State Department for Co-operatives head of departments.