Commissioner SDC Mr David Obonyo mediated and settled dispute between Migori Teachers Sacco, Msl Sacco and Coop holdings
Commissioner SDC Mr David Obonyo mediated and settled dispute between Migori Teachers Sacco, Msl Sacco and Coop holdingsCommissioner SDC Mr David Obonyo mediated and settled dispute between Migori Teachers Sacco, Msl Sacco and Coop holdings

Commissioner SDC Mr David Obonyo mediated and settled dispute between Migori Teachers Sacco, Msl Sacco and Coop holdings

Today the Commissioner State Department for Co-operatives Mr David Obonyo mediated and settled a dispute that had been referred from the High Court between Migori Teachers Sacco, Msl Sacco, and Coop Holdings. The dispute which was about ownership of shares and dividends emanating from the shares was settled as the parties signed a settlement agreement.